Magical Pretty Boomstick!
I’m writing a comic. About a magical girl with a shotgun. Largely, it’s to help me practice my drawing, but it’s also because there really should be a magical girl with a shotgun.
So here’s a peak at the first page, to fill that tragic gap in the magical girl world. (Which actually has neither magical girls or shotguns in it. Oops.)
Welcome to…

In both black and white:

And in (flat) colour (so you can see exactly how cute Boots is – yes, that’s the space cat’s name).

I’m still working on highlights and shading for the comic, and will post that as well, once it’s done. And once I’ve got a few pages in my pocket, I may even make a web page and consider this a real, actual, almost legitimate webcomic! Ooooh aaaah! 😀
So, until then… some kind of shotgun-y magical girl catchphrase… or something… (In the name of my shotgun, I’ll punish you? Awesome.)
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