Potato Baby
Catching up on my art with this hyper realistic portrait of my son when he was born.

Catching up on my art with this hyper realistic portrait of my son when he was born.
I’ve been getting behind on my drawings, which my husband keeps helpfully reminding me. It inspired this piece.
I did also draw a couple of other things, but that one was most important. Because it’s ART.
I’m trying to draw most days and I’ve fallen behind a bit, and I felt a bit blocked, but I pushed through to make these, only I sort of hate them, but I suppose I’d better post them, so here’s some art I sort of hate. :/
I guess they can’t all be days I’m happy with. HERE, HAVE YOUR ART, DUMB BLOG. UGH.
Here’s the second batch, in glorious(?) colour! The originals are probably getting jealous at this point, but their time will come soon. Ahahaha.
Today I just kind of wanted to experiment so I made smudges and then turned them into cats. I like the second try better, but there is always something to be said for rainbow noodles!
My son has a lion lovie, so now lions make me think of him and warm my heart. So here’s a silly little lion for my sweet little boy. <3
I’m not sure this came out exactly as I’d pictured, but I am kind of enamoured with the screaming egg. This isn’t too dark or anything, right?
So here is the promised swamp creature and werewolf, plus a bonus. What a sexy bunch!
My Hallowe’en gang (which includes Old Lady Pumpkidoodle, who you’ve already met, as well as Hip-Einstein, Mr Spanglebat, and Sir Skellingbean Twohats, who you’ll meet later) needed more members so I sketched some up.
This is them. Go Hallowe’en boogers go!
The first of my Hallowe’en gang!